Our objectives in web site design are really quite simple ones - Design a site that is appealing to the clients target audience, easy to navigate,
easy to maintain and update, and easy to find in search engines.
When it comes to design and layout tools and software, we strictly rely upon Macromedia and Adobe products to provide you with the
highest quality design specifications. Macromedia and Adobe are the leaders in layout and design software and we incorporate
their software into every site we build.
We also pay close attention to how your site performs in different browsers. We can educate you on how certain features may not work correctly for
all visitors due to their browser version and we can also educate you on how to work around those indifferences to enable your site with the features and
performance you desire.
To learn more about what Tutone Web can design for you or your business, contact us today!
More: Hosting
More: ANFrameworks User Management Application
More: CD ROMs, Search Engine Submission, Domain Registration, etc.